Ruhani Kaur
MALSAWM (Blessed One)
In 2005, Mr Pauzagin Tonsing and his wife gave birth to a baby boy in their small tribal village of Churachandpur in Manipur. A day after his birth, Sawmte was diagnosed with optic nerve atrophy. The nearest school for special-needs children was a two-hour hilly drive to the capital of Imphal, an impossible journey for him.
In 2006, a group of parents led by Pauzagin, who sold a piece of his own land to buy the school plot, decided to build a school. Other local members and the Church all chipped in to build a place where their children’s disability could be transformed into ability. Soon four young United Nations Volunteers joined as physiotherapists, speech therapists, rehabilitation specialists and school administrators.
On April 23rd, 2016 Pauzagin Tonsing lost his son but his commitment to the school continues, now in Sawmte’s memory.

Above: Pauzagin Tonsingh knew his son Swamte could not make the impossible two- hour journey on a hilly terrain to the nearest special needs school in the capital city Imphal.
Below: Ginmalsawm would express himself through hugs and loves singing. He disliked work and felt lethargic but could follow instructions to a certain extent.

Above: Pumtuahkim who has been part of Malsawm since the beginning in 2011, had to stop going in 2016 when her health deteriorated. She had learnt sign language and uses braille at home. Pumtuahkim had been diagnosed with Hydrocephalus with visual impairment. She enjoys singing and mingling with her friends and helps peers who aren’t able to help themselves.
Below: Elizabeth Chawngzamawi has no desirable control over her body movements due to cerebral palsy but can respond to her name by raising her hand now at The Malsawm Initiative.

Above: Paumuanlian is diagnosed with down syndrome with delayed speech and language development. He enables himself most of the time with sign language. He has leadership qualities and like to spend time on the swing.
Below: Ginmalsawm and Elizabeth being the more severly affected of the kids share a strong bond and enjoy their rides from home to school and back.

Dipak Prasad is a special educator with UN Volunteers. He focuses on visually impaired children and teaches them braille. He teaches Ginmalsawm through touch.

Each kid at Malsawm Initiative is treated by their local guides with the help of four UN volunteers with unique special abilities.

Above: Paumuanlian doesn’t like to be controlled and his moods change often which affects his attention span.
Below: Elizabeth Chawngzamawi was born on 05/06/2005, minutes after her twin sister who was born in a normal delivery, in her case forceps were used and this seems to have caused the cerebral palsy.

This story was produced for UN Volunteers.